SP4 - Self Reflect
Objective: To increase and encourage reflective thinking and introspection of the student through questioning.
Description: The student will be asked to perform an introspection exercise by which he/she evaluates how they are doing in different aspects of their life. Below are a series of questions that the student will ask themselves, selecting at least 5 questions per category. You may write down the answers if you wish
Questions to initiate reflection:
1. am I using my time wisely?
2. Am I taking anything for granted?
3. Do I wake up ready to start the day? 4.
4. Do I go to sleep thinking about negative things?
5. Am I true to myself and my ideals or beliefs?
6. Do I put enough effort into my interpersonal relationships (family, friends, partner, etc.)?
7. Do I take care of my mental and physical health?
8. Am I letting things that are out of my control stress me out?
Am I meeting the goals that I set for myself?
Questions to get to know myself better:
1. does it matter what others think of me?
2. Am I holding on to something that I should let go?
3. What worries me most about the future? Of that, what is in my control?
4. What am I afraid of?
5. What matters most to me in life?
6. When was the last time I stepped out of my comfort zone?
7. What do I need to change about myself?
8. Is it worse to fail or never to have tried?
9. Who am I?
Closing: Researchers have shown that we have more than 50,000 thoughts a day, more than half of which are negative and 90% of which are repetitions of the previous day (Wood in Ackerman, 2021). Therefore, performing introspection exercises can be an excellent way to improve a student's well-being by making them aware of elements that they may not question in everyday life. Specifically, questions are oriented towards a "what", as they encourage curiosity, in contrast to those seeking a "why", which may emphasize our limitations or bring negative emotions (Ackerman, 2021).