Student life involves facing or dealing with various academic, social or personal stressors, representing a significant challenge. Therefore, the "Emotional Counseling" space offers you, as a student, the possibility to work on your integral well-being and develop strategies that, in an assertive way, respond to the demands of everyday life.
The service is provided by on-campus psychologists and consists of:
- Provide psychological counseling, within the first levels of intervention.
- Support students in the dilemmas of student life.
- Detection and use of personal resources for adaptation to changes or challenges derived from medium-higher and higher studies.
- Support in strategies for the consolidation of personal and academic goals.
- La intervención psicológica de este espacio, es con base en el modelo terapéutico de la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual (TCC), brindada por profesionales de la salud mental (psicólogos) de cada campus.
Note: The care given is a NON-CLINICAL accompaniment, so it has limitations from Tec.
The Student Welfare area can provide you with more information about the programs, training, and activities available at your campus. See contacts by campus.