S1 - World Coffee
Objective: Participate in a World Café session to facilitate dialogue and conversations on trending topics to create and strengthen support networks.
Description: Following the World Café methodology, provide a space similar to a café (with tables, chairs, and decorations) to talk about wellness issues or socially relevant topics that can be learned by the students. The World Café methodology should be followed.
At the beginning of the activity, there should be a brief introduction to the topic to be discussed. Each table of students will have different rounds of conversation after the introduction and writing materials should be provided on the table (sheets of paper, pens, markers, newspaper notes, magazines, etc.). The number of tables and duration, of the session, will be determined by each campus, depending on the number of students, and the agenda.
In each round, students will switch tables to distribute ideas around the room. At the end of the session, a representative from each table will share interesting points they heard during the discussion. The following activity can be used to help groups of students integrate better.
Note: A quick guide on how to conduct a World Coffee, as well as a sample photograph of a World Café session, can be found in the appendix section.
Closing: In closing, we seek to reflect on "World Coffee" as a provocative metaphor that facilitates the generation of options about "making a difference" in the exercise of forming new support networks or friendships. The power of conversation is so invisible and natural that it often goes unnoticed.