Happiness Jar
Objective: To reflect on moments or situations where the student experienced a positive emotion: happiness.
Description: The student should have a container of their choice, it can be a Mason Jar, that is designated solely for the activity. The person should take out sheets of 2 colors and designate them as follows:
- Blue sheet: events or accomplishments of their own.
- Green sheet: events or happenings with other people.
At the end of the day, the student should put on a slip of paper at least one event or situation that made him/her feel happy. That way, every time he/she feels sad, overwhelmed, tense, etc., he/she can turn to the jar and remember happy moments.
Closing: Through this dynamic, the person can become more aware of what makes him/her happy and at the same time, improve his/her mood. A study published by the British Journal of Health Psychology points out that writing about positive emotions can help reduce anxiety and stress levels in individuals as well as improve mental well-being (Smith, 2018).